Pressure Distribution Septic System

Septic Installations

Septic Tank Installation in Statesville, Mooresville and Surrounding Counties

 Pressure Distribution Septic System 

Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment structures, commonly used in rural areas without centralized sewer systems. They use a combination of nature and proven technology to treat wastewater from household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains, and laundry.  The purpose of any onsite wastewater system is to safety treat all wastewater produced by the household and dispose of it.  The treatment of the wastewater occurs in the septic tank, where harmful microorganisms are separated from wastewater before it enters the absorption field.  

It is in the homeowners best interest to understand how the pump system works and the required maintenance.  Repairs and replacements of pressure systems are costly.  Don’t wait to understand your system and its maintenance requirements until you have a problem. 

The septic tank digests organic matter and separates floatable matter (e.g., oils and grease) and solids from the wastewater. Soil-based systems discharge the liquid (known as effluent) from the septic tank into a series of perforated pipes buried in a leach field, leaching chambers, or other special units designed to slowly release the effluent into the soil or surface water.

Septic tanks and drainfields have been used for many years but not all sites allow for gravity septic systems.  Septic Pump Systems are used where a typical gravity system is not an option

Applications where septic effluent pumps are used  are in septic systems in which the absorption bed is located higher than the septic tank. In these installations septic effluent is pumped from a final chamber in the septic tank or from a second effluent chamber up to the absorption system.  

Septic effluent pumps are used to move clarified septic effluent out of a the septic tank to the drainfield in systems where a gravity system is unable to be used.

Septic effluent pumps do not have to move solids, but are built to standards of durability and are more demanding than a typical sump pump used to remove ground water from a building.


1.    Septic tank 

2.   Pump tank and pump. 

3.   Drain field 

4.   Repair Area


Septic Pump Systems move clarified septic effluent out of a the septic tank to the drainfield in systems where a gravity system is unable to be used.  A pump tank allows the drainfield to be located upslope from the septic tank.  

A pump tank is a concrete, fiberglass, or plastic container that collects the waste water from the septic tank.


(1)   pump 

(2)   pump control floats

(3)   high-water alarm float

(4)   pump discharge pipe

(5)   union and valve

(6)   nylon rope


The  (1) pump can be controlled either by the use of control floats or by timer controls. (2) Control floats turn the pump “ON” and “OFF” to pump a specific amount of wastewater. Timer controls are set to control the amount of the wastewater and the rest period between doses. The (3) high water alarm float starts an alarm to warn of  pump malfunction. The alarm can also warn you of too much water use in the home. The float is set to start when the wastewater in the pump chamber rises above the “ON” float. The alarm should have a buzzer and an easily visible light. It should be on an electrical circuit separate from the pump. To Silence the alarm, press the reset button on the alarm box.  The alarm will temporarily silence, but this does not fix the problem. The (4) pump discharge pipe should have a (5) union and valve for easy removal of the pump. A piece of (6) nylon rope should be attached to the pump for lifting the pump in and out of the chamber.

 Pump System Malfunctions 

When an onsite pump system is not in proper working order, wastewater can enter the drainfield before it is properly treated.  This is a serious health concern.   

Pressure Distribution Systems can be “pump to gravity” , “pump to pressure manifold” or “low pressure pipe distribution”

 Septic Pump vs. Sewage pump vs. Sump Pump 

Septic pump, sewage pumps and sump pumps….what are they?

  • A septic pump is responsible for pumping blackwater (toilet waste) to a private septic tank and drainfield system.

  • A sewage pump, pumps blackwater (toilet waste) to a public sewer line.

  • Sump pumps are designed to remove unwanted water, such as surface or ground water that leak into a building. Sump pumps only have to pump water, never solids.A sump pump is normally installed in a pit at the low end of a basement or crawl space floor.


Lentz Wastewater installs new septic pumps and repairs/replaces inefficient pumps.  

We only uses Goulds Pumps for new installation, and septic pump replacement.  

There is a difference, and Jarrid Lentz only trusts the quality and efficiency found with

the Goulds Pumps brand.

Ask about the optional warranty on Goulds pumps.  

Lentz Wastewater Management has been a certified septic installer since 2000.